What is a Hyperlink


A hyperlink, often called a "link," is a reference in a web page that directs users to another web page or resource when clicked. Hyperlinks are essential for web navigation, connecting different pages, documents, or websites through URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). They can link to internal content within the same site or external content on a different website.

How Hyperlinks Work

Hyperlinks are created using the HTML <a> (anchor) tag, which wraps around text or an image. The href attribute of the anchor tag specifies the destination of the link, usually in the form of a URL. When a user clicks on the hyperlink, their browser navigates to the linked resource.

Example of a Hyperlink in HTML

        <a href="https://www.example.com">Visit Example Website</a>

This simple code creates a clickable link that directs the user to the Example website.

Types of Hyperlinks

  • Internal Links: Hyperlinks that connect different pages within the same website.
  • External Links: Hyperlinks that lead to pages on other websites.
  • Anchor Links: Hyperlinks that navigate to a specific section of the same page.

Importance of Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks are fundamental to the structure of the internet, allowing users to navigate across vast amounts of information. They help create a web of interconnected resources, making the internet user-friendly and efficient for locating and sharing content.

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