What is a URL?

Understanding URLs

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the address used to access resources on the internet, such as websites, files, and other online content. It acts as the "web address" and directs your browser to the location of a specific resource.

Components of a URL

A URL is made up of several components that work together to identify and locate a resource. The main parts of a URL are:

  • Protocol: Specifies how the browser should retrieve the resource. Common protocols include http and https.
  • Domain Name: This identifies the website and can include subdomains. Example: www.example.com
  • Path: Specifies the exact location of a resource on the server. Example: /about-us
  • Query String: Contains additional parameters or data passed to the server. Example: ?id=123&category=books

How URLs Work

When you enter a URL in a web browser, the browser sends a request to the server identified by the domain name. The server responds by providing the requested resource, such as a web page, which is then displayed in your browser.

Example of a URL

Here is an example URL with its components broken down:


  • Protocol: https
  • Domain Name: www.example.com
  • Path: /products
  • Query String: ?category=books&id=123

Common URL Protocols

  • HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol – used for regular websites.
  • HTTPS: Secure version of HTTP that encrypts data for security.
  • FTP: File Transfer Protocol – used for transferring files.
  • Mailto: Opens an email client to send a message. Example: mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


URLs are essential for navigating the web, allowing users to locate and access resources quickly. Understanding the components of a URL helps in better understanding how the web operates and how to utilize online resources efficiently.

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