What is Hypertext


Hypertext refers to text that contains links to other texts, documents, or resources. It allows users to navigate between pieces of information through links embedded within the text. Hypertext is the foundation of web browsing, enabling users to jump from one webpage to another by simply clicking on linked words or phrases. This interconnection of documents and resources forms the basis of the World Wide Web.

How Hypertext Works

Hypertext is typically implemented using HTML (HyperText Markup Language), which enables the creation of links, also known as hyperlinks. These links can point to other pages within the same website or external pages on other websites. By clicking on the hypertext, the user is directed to the linked content, allowing for quick and seamless navigation across related resources.

Example of Hypertext in HTML

        <a href="https://www.example.com">Learn more about Hypertext</a>

In this example, the text "Learn more about Hypertext" is hypertext, and clicking on it takes the user to the specified URL.

Hypertext vs. Regular Text

Regular text is static and does not provide any interaction beyond reading. Hypertext, on the other hand, is interactive and allows readers to explore related content through links, making it a dynamic way to present information.

Importance of Hypertext

Hypertext revolutionized how information is organized and accessed on the internet. By connecting related documents and resources, it enhances the user experience by making information retrieval more intuitive and efficient.

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